Monday, January 21, 2013

Stella Artois, my Belgium love

I was recently sent a Stella Artois chalice to use with my Stella Artois and here is a summary of what I loved best. I absolutely loved that this is a favorite among my non beer drinker friends and that's saying a lot. I loved that I brought in Stella beer and chalice to work and introduced her to them and they absolutely loved it!

With a 5.2% alcholhic content, it is a perfect pre-game beer and a game you pick up to get a little more comfortable without blowing a hole in your pocket. There is a beautiful 9 step pouring process to Stella Artois and to learn more, click into their website!

Being a BzzAgent, I received my very own chalice (wooot!) and a booklet that explained this pouring process for me.
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Disclaimer: I'm a BzzAgent and I received this package in exchange for my honest and true opinions. Join me!

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