The Who:
Rocky Mountain Popcorn Company started over 20 years ago in the eastern foothills of the great Rocky Mountains near Denver, CO. Long known, and much admired, as a great local product, the company grew by reputation until 2007, when it exploded onto the national scene, bringing the bold taste of the Rockies to a nation hungry for wholesome snacks.
When people ask us how popcorn can be real or honest, we say "Glad you asked!” Rocky Mountain Popcorn is real: it’s light, fresh, crisp and big... just like the mountains themselves. We find the biggest, moistest kernels we can, and only hot-air pop them. Rocky Mountain Popcorn is honest: it’s delicately coated with natural flavors, not smothered with pretentious-sounding hoo-ha. You won’t find corn syrup or partially hydrogenated anything in Rocky Mountain Popcorn.
And now for the review:
When you have two bags of Jalapeno, cinnamon sugar, butter, south west cheddar, naked, white cheddar, kettle and caramel, you never know where to start.
So I started with the butter popcorn and the rest just got better and better.
The jalapeno was also perfect, a tad spicy, a tad cheesy, the white cheddar and the south west cheddar were also simply amazing! I'm not a big fan of all things sweet popcorn, but my husband absolutely loved the kettle popcorn and the caramel popcorn, hard on the outside and simply delicious on the inside. (Cinnamon sugar is their new flavor and the boy swears by it!)
The entire twelve bags vanished over the course of a week or two. They were awesome. There is a lot to be said for the size of the popcorn, makes for a perfect bag to throw into your backpack, they were simply perfect for my hikes or for a movie theater. They were slender and just right.
And every single popcorn in the bag was amazing, there was nothing stale or unperfect about them and made for a lovely movie night evening.
Overall, a popcorn snack made thoughtfully and just like they claim: it's light, fresh, crisp and big!
Rocky Mountain Popcorn? You rock and pop my world!
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