Monday, August 19, 2013

Ahai shopping is what has been on my mind lately: Summer is here and ahaishopping has been brilliant for all of my summer needs: It is a one stop shop for tshirts, dresses, tops, blouses, scarfs and shorts! Most of them are extremely affordable: the clothes start as low as $9.99. And here is the best part: Shipping is free, internationally! 

Today's giveaway will be based on how many people join the competition: If we get 100 entries or more, you will be receiving ONE $9.99 item and ONE $19.80 item - two items in total and if there are less than 100 entries, you'll receive a $15 cash bonus, and you can use it as cash on our website when your order over $100. So the goal is to get as many people as we can on this competition so that your prize is a higher value! Let's do this, people!

1. Like us on Facebook:
3. Follow us on Twitter: (optional)
4. Follow us on Pinterest: (optional)
5. Comment with your Facebook Name and the favorite items' url links on this post so you will be winning the item of your choice. (please pick one item from the $9.99 section and one from the $19.80 section)

There are 2 winners chosen at random and this giveaway will close in three weeks (September 10, 2013) Tell all your friends and enter today!


  1. i would like to win these:


  2. Thanks for responding: Please share this giveaway with your friend circles since we'll need to get to 100 for the winner to get both items! Good luck!! :)
